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Author: David Ellerby

When Anxiety becomes a Catastrophe

When Anxiety becomes a Catastrophe

Anxiety is the result of prolonged uncertainty or self, or circumstances or sense of the immediate, medium or long term future. Often rooted in previous negative events, the onset of anxiety can suddenly ambush the sufferer and be so deeply experienced as to be in the subconscious with no apparent understanding or insight, further tightening the loop, and destroying peace of mind and lowering or shattering self esteem and well being. Left unresolved, anxiety will erode all sense of purpose…

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Issue to Insight to Intention

Issue to Insight to Intention

I think it’s accurate to say that everyone has emotional issues. That’s right … Everyone! Most people are able to continue walking on as best as they can, however, changes to their personal circumstances can trigger really deeply rooted responses that throw them significantly off balance.Some folks are so driven that nothing else matters other than their position [in the family or at work], their power [over others : family or work] or their pennies! Until …Then there are the…

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