Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Who I am

My website address is:

What is a Privacy Statement ?

A Privacy Statement tells you what information I keep on record about you, why I do this, how I protect and keep this information secure. I also tell you how you can see this information or have it removed from my files if you wish.

Why have a Privacy Statement ?

A new law called the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) took effect as from May 25th 2018 and affects the way all individuals, charities, companies, organisations, H.M. Government and the National Health Services keep information about their clients and service users. All such data users and collectors, i.e. myself,  are legally obliged to publicise and make accessible their data protection policy and how your data is used and stored so that you can decide whether your information is safe even before you make any contact with me concerning the services I offer.

What information do I hold about you and why and for how long ?

Electronically I would keep a record of your contact details provided by yourself :  telephone number and/or email address. This information would be visible only to myself but using a coded identifier eg John Johnstone might have an ID code of “JJ54”. A dedicated mobile phone is used for business purposes only and has password protected access. The key to all identification codes would be kept in a notebook in a handwritten note form [not electronically] and that notebook would be kept securely under lock and key.

Your electronically stored data would be deleted twelve months after your last contact with me.

Any communications between us by mobile phone text messaging services would be deleted after the purposes of the text communication had been completed.

Please note that I do not use any of the Social Media systems and services to contact or to explore or express relationship with clients.

Session notes are kept to a minimum, recorded on a handwritten log containing your identifier, session date and duration, and an exceedingly brief record of session contents. This information exists only as a memory aid for myself and contains no means of identifying you in any of the entries. Session notes are held in a locked briefcase whilst travelling between sites. If left in the car, the locked briefcase would be in the car boot. At other times all confidential materials would be stored in a locked filing cabinet.

Your session notes will be destroyed four years after your last contact with me.

With whom do I share your personal information ?


However, in the event of major illness or my death resulting in my inability to continue with your therapy, provision has been made to make your information available to my fully confidential professional supervisor who will facilitate your transition to a different therapist if that is your wish. If you would like to opt out of this arrangement, please notify me in writing.

What are my responsibilities and your rights ?

My primary responsibility is to always take great care with all personal information held for the purposes of delivering my professional services. When I contact you by phone, text or email, I am doing so with your consentin order to fulfil the contract between us. If you have no contract, then I will be responding to a communication initiated by you. In the unlikely event of a data loss or data breach I will notify you securely as soon as possible after such an event.

You have the right to see and request amendment of any and all information that I hold about you. In order to access this information, please contact me in writing either by Royal Mail or email.